By Charlotte Underwood 

LAFOLLETTE, TN (WLAF) – We’ve all had that teacher who inspired us or helped in some way. That’s why WLAF and Eagle Tire Pros salute one of our hard working educators with a weekly feature. Teachers make a difference in their students lives each and every day. For many students, having a teacher who cares and goes that extra mile can be the difference in a successful education and graduation.

This week’s featured teacher is Tracy Buell. She teaches physical education at LaFollette Elementary School and has been an educator for 13 years.

Buell is from Hamilton, Ohio, and moved to Tennessee in 1994 to attend Lincoln Memorial University on a softball and volleyball scholarship. She liked the area so much that she remained in Speedwell after graduation.

Tracy Buell is Eagle Tire Pros Teacher of the Week! She teaches Physical Education at LaFollette Elementary School. She is pictured with her family. Left to right is her daughter Kate, Tracy Buell, daughter Morgan, husband Murphy, and daughter Abby.

Buell has three children and two stepchildren.

“They make me proud every day,” Buell said.

When she’s not teaching PE, Buell enjoys reading, working out, and playing sports and watching sports.

“I definitely enjoy my summers reading peacefully at the lake,” Buell said.

To nominate a teacher for teacher of the week honors, please send your nomination to

While she didn’t necessarily know she wanted to be an educator, she said she “always enjoyed being active and wanted to help people be active too.”

“I’ve always enjoyed sports and teaching seemed the best way to share it,” Buell said.

Her favorite part of her job is “getting to involve the kids in games and activities at school.”

“I love encouraging the students to do their best while playing sports and watching them have fun,” Buell said.

“The students use equipment that they may never get to use in a regular setting. I want them to love being active as much as I do, and I hope I have introduced a few students to things they now participate in,” Buell said.

She also said she wanted to give a shout out to her co-workers at LaFollette Elementary School.

“The administration and staff at LES have been amazing!! We have such creative and thoughtful people on our staff,” Buell said.

Every Thursday, WLAF’s Charlotte Underwood features the WLAF – Eagle Tire Pros teacher of the week. That educator also receives a free oil change from Eagle Tire Pros. To nominate a teacher for teacher of the week honors, please send your nomination to (WLAF NEWS PUBLISHED – 04/04/2024-6AM)

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