Tracie Davis calls the children’s center and its mission “truly a community effort”

LAFOLLETTE, TN (WLAF) – A community has answered a life’s calling. “The reward is seeing that people care,” said Tracie Davis. For Davis, the Chief Executive Officer of the Campbell County Children’s Center, and her nine, counting her, member staff, it’s a life’s calling. And it shows.

Davis, a Campbell High graduate, who grew up at Flat Hollow, over sees the center as if she’s the calm waters over turbulent waters below. Long, exhausting days are not uncommon for the nine women who balance schedules among three centers, the counties of Campbell, Claiborne and Union.

“Our staff establishes rapport with a child and their family and develops a relationship. We want to make them feel comfortable, because appearing in court can be overwhelming for what they’ve endured. We follow the child through the court system with support in court,” said Davis.

In August, Tracie Davis marks her 28th year with the Children’s Center.

Those at the center touch a lot of lives all the while helping countless victims and their families. “We’re in court weekly supporting family members, and we are readily available with resources and how to access them,” said Davis.

There are a lot of different resources available, especially when it comes to a relative raising a relative, according to Davis. You can contact our office at 423.562.4190 for assistance.

“We’ve grown gracefully as the needs change, and we work at being good stewards of our funding,” said Davis. Case in point is Cary’s Cave, which came about out of tragedy. Cary’s Cave is after hours transitional housing located inside the center. The cave is about as much like home as it can be and sleeps nine children, according to Davis.

Tracie Davis inside Cary’s Cave.

“The name comes from the man who built the children’s center, Cary Franklin of The Franklin Group,” said Davis. When bids for the center were let, Cary’s came in way below the others. “Our chairman, the late Ed Wheeler, was very curious why someone not from here made a bid so low. Cary simply said, “because I’m a survivor,” said Davis.

Cary’s Cave is housed in the basement with a playground coming this summer outside the cave on the west end of the center.

Davis, who stays busy answering her life’s calling, marks her 28th year in August, calls the children’s center and its mission “truly a community effort.”

A NOTE FROM THE GRAND ON CENTRAL: “There is so much good going on in our community, and I want to share all this good with you every Monday here on WLAF in hopes that you will start your week in a grand way making each week a Grand Week,” said Olivia Lobtertini, owner of The Grand on Central.

Below, take a visit through The Grand on Central.

For bookings, email Olivia Lobertini Check on avails HERE. (WLAF NEWS PUBLISHED – 04/22/2024-6AM-PAID AD)

2 Replies to “‘Make it a Grand Week’- Olivia Lobertini with The Grand on Central”

  1. Tracie and her staff are simply amazing! We are so fortunate to have this wonderful place in Campbell County.

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