Director of Schools Jennifer Fields and School Board members presented the family of Angie Baird with a plaque dedicated in her memory during Thursday’s BOE meeting.

By Charlotte Underwood

JACKSBORO, TN (WLAF) – White Oak Elementary School Teacher Angie Baird was remembered and recognized at Thursday’s Board of Education meeting. Her family was in attendance to receive a plaque in her honor from Director Jennifer Fields and the school board.

“Tonight, we also want to celebrate the memory of someone who worked in our school system and passed away unexpectedly after a short battle with her health a while back,” Director Fields said.

Baird was a teacher at White Oak Elementary School and coached basketball there. In honor of her, the school board had previously voted to name the gymnasium floor after her.

“When she passed away her loss was greatly felt, but she has left behind a legacy at that school and we would like to dedicate this to her,” Director Fields said.

She read the plaque aloud that was dedicated in “loving memory and deep appreciation of Angie Baird whose passion for teaching and dedication to our students left an enduring mark on our school community. This gymnasium floor stands as a testament to their unwavering commitment and enduring legacy. May all who tread upon it be inspired by her spirit and her dedication to excellency. Forever remembered, forever missed.” (WLAF NEWS PUBLISHED – 04/05/2024-6AM)