Campbell County Commission holds special called meeting

By Charlotte Underwood

TOP PHOTO: County commissioners say the pledge of allegiance on Monday evening. During their workshop, commissioners discussed upcoming agenda items, including the sale of county industrial property.

JACKSBORO, TN (WLAF) – Commissioners held a special called meeting on Monday to discuss issues from a recent recreation committee meeting involving the Lonas Young RV Park.

Commissioners voted in approval for the Bonfire reservation software yearly subscription for the RV campground.  

The yearly subscription is $2,500, plus the purchase of an add on for an additional $800.

“This wraps up the process for the park so it can be opened up and spaces can be rented,” Commissioner Rusty Orick said.

According to County Mayor Jack Lynch, the park should be open for reservations by mid to late March, “pending approval of the commission’s actions by the state comptroller.”

The reservation site can’t be activated until a full 30 days after the comptroller receives and approves the county’s paperwork, according to officials.

Commissioners also approved the submission of the Bonfire pay application to be submitted to the financial department. 

Also approved was a merchant agreement with First American Bank in relation to the Bonfire reservation software system, and the Bonfire sales and service proposal was approved as well. 

The purchase of a Dell desktop computer was approved to run the point of sales system for the park’s reservation system, as was the purchase of an MFC Brother wireless digital color printer.

Mayor Jack Lynch also said he felt it was time to hire an RV park manager for the Lonas Young Park and suggested asking Richard Terry in the financial department to “look into” what pay compensation could be made for the position. 

The mayor said he thought it would be a yearlong position, but with more hours in the summer than in winter.

This issue will be on the agenda for the commission’s regular meeting, Mon. Feb. 26, to check with the financial department about compensation for the position.  (WLAF NEWS PUBLISHED – 02/13/2024-6AM)