By Charlotte Underwood 

JACKSBORO, TN (WLAF) – Teachers make a difference in their students’ lives each and every day. For many students, having a teacher who cares and goes that extra mile can be the difference in a successful education and graduation. We’ve all had that teacher who inspired us or helped in some way. That’s why WLAF and Eagle Tire Pros salute all of our hard working educators with a weekly feature.

This week’s featured teacher is Madison Johnson. She teaches first grade at Jacksboro Elementary School and is a first year teacher. 

She got married this past summer to her “best friend, Nathan Johnson.” One of her favorite hobbies is traveling and seeing new places. 

Madison Johnson is Eagle Tire Pros “Teacher of the Week.” She teaches at Jacksboro Elementary School and is pictured here with her husband Nathan.

Johnson attended Tennessee Technological University and graduated this past May with a degree in Elementary Education. 

As a child, she went to Jacksboro Elementary and also did her teaching residency there as well.

“I feel so honored that I am able to teach there now. I am a first year teacher, and I currently teach first grade,” Johnson said.

Johnson said she had always enjoyed working with children, and had originally wanted to be a pediatric nurse, but an experience teaching Sunday school moved her to become a teacher instead.

To nominate a teacher for teacher of the week honors, please send your nomination to

“When I was a senior in high school I taught Sunday school at my church. I remember one specific time asking the kids in my class if they were excited for Christmas break. Many of them said yes, but a few said that they didn’t like being at home and would rather be at school. It was in that moment that I realized just how important the role of a teacher is. Yes, you are there to teach them the curriculum and prepare them for the next grade, but I think you should also love them like they’re your own children and provide them a safe place in your class that they may not always have access to,” Johnson said.

One of her inspirations as a teacher is fellow educator Bethany McFarland, who was her “mentor.”

“I think of my mentor teacher everyday, Bethany McFarland. If there is anything that I do right as a teacher it is because of her. I was always in awe of her when she was teaching. I could see how passionate she was about it and she made it look easy. She taught me so much and I will never forget her kindness towards me or her students,” Johnson said. 

One of her favorite parts of the job is seeing her students’ growth. 

“I see things everyday in my job that could never be measured by a standardized test. I think one of the most heartwarming experiences as a teacher is being able to see a student who was unsure of themselves when the school year started to now, trying to read on their own, or trying to work out their math problems before they ask for help. It makes me feel like I am doing something right,” Johnson said.

Every Thursday, WLAF’s Charlotte Underwood features the WLAF – Eagle Tire Pros teacher of the week. That educator also receives a free oil change from Eagle Tire Pros. To nominate a teacher for teacher of the week honors, please send your nomination to (WLAF NEWS PUBLISHED – 12/21/2023-6AM)