Longtime BOE Attorney Dail Cantrell was recognized at Tuesday’s board of education meeting for his 21 years of service as the board attorney. He is pictured with Director of Schools Jennifer Fields.

By Charlotte Underwood

JACKSBORO, TN (WLAF) – After 21 years as the Campbell County School Board’s attorney, Dail Cantrell attended his last meeting on Tuesday evening as he is stepping down due to health reasons. Director of Schools Jennifer Fields and school board members recognized Cantrell for his many years of service.

“We appreciate him and all he’s done for our school and our kids,” said BOE chairman Steve Morgan.

“You’ve truly been a friend to our school district and we appreciate all your work,” said Director of Schools Jennifer Fields. 

“You all have been a joy to be a part of, and Campbell County has a fantastic board of education and its been great to be here the past 21 years,” Cantrell said. 

He also told board members they had “hired a fantastic lawyer and law firm” with the recent hiring of Chris McCarty and that he would be available for the school board if needed throughout the transition.  (WLAF NEWS PUBLISHED – 12/13/2023-6AM)