TOP PHOTO: Campbell County BOE members met with Education Attorney Chris McCarty on Monday at a special called meeting. After about an hour of discussion, the BOE voted to hire McCarty as its new attorney.

By Charlotte Underwood 

JACKSBORO, TN (WLAF) – The Campbell County Board of Education held a special called meeting on Wednesday afternoon to discuss hiring a new attorney after BOE Attorney Dail Cantrell recently announced he was stepping down due to health reasons.

Board members met with Education Attorney Chris McCarty from Knoxville with the Lewis Thomason Firm. After about 45 minutes of discussion, the BOE voted in approval to hire McCarty as Campbell County BOE’s new attorney, effective immediately.

McCarty told board members he originally “came from a background of education” and had previously been a teacher before going back to law school. He specializes in education law and represents 20 other school districts in the state.

The Campbell County Board of Education held a special called meeting on Wednesday to discuss hiring a new attorney after longtime BOE attorney Dail Cantrell announced he was stepping down due to health reasons.

He also assured the board that since he is with the Lewis Thomason firm, the school board has the experience and expertise of the whole firm.

“Lewis Thomason has 120 attorneys across the state specializing in everything from property to taxes and more,” McCarty said.

He also thanked the school board for their vote of confidence.

“It means a lot to me every time I get hired by a school system,” McCarty said.

Campbell County School Board Chairman Steve Morgan said he and the rest of the the board wanted to thank Dail Cantrell for his many years serving as the BOE attorney. 

Cantrell had been the Campbell County BOE’s attorney for about 21 years. (WLAF NEWS PUBLISHED – 12/07/2023-6AM)