TOP PHOTO: Marty Jackson addressed the school board on Tuesday evening asking for more funding to pay his bus drivers.

By Charlotte Underwood 

JACKSBORO, TN (WLAF) – The Campbell County School Board heard from Marty Jackson Tuesday evening asking for “better pay” for his bus drivers. Jackson’s bus drivers handle 13 routes for the Campbell County School district. 

“I would like to get another $100 a week for my drivers. I pay them $400 a week, and I’m asking for funds to be able to pay them $500 a week,” Jackson said.

“I own 13 routes, and they don’t miss a day. My busses have not missed a day,” Jackson told BOE members.

He told the board he had trouble keeping drivers due to how low the pay was and wanted to change that before he lost more drivers. 

“I have people come wanting to drive, and when they hear the pay, they laugh. I try to keep a spare driver; they quit and go to better paying jobs. It cost a driver $2,000 just to get their license,” Jackson said.

Jackson told the BOE he wasn’t asking for more money for himself, just his drivers.

“I’m just asking for more money for my drivers. We’ve got some real good drivers, and I don’t want to lose them; we’ve got three or four that have already quit,” Jackson said.

Director of Schools Jennifer Fields told him the board appreciated him and his drivers. 

“We need our drivers,” Director Fields said. 

“I’ve done it so long, I feel like I’m part of it. I’ve been doing it for 30 years … I’m not asking for money for me, just for my drivers,” Jackson said.

Director Fields addressed Jackson and the several bus drivers in the audience.

“It’s one of the thankless jobs in the school system. They work very hard. You certainly do not get paid enough. I hope we can look at this and work something out,” Director Fields said.  (WLAF NEWS PUBLISHED – 09/13/2023-6AM)