TOP PHOTO: The Sleep in Heavenly Peace slogan is “No kid sleeps on the floor in our town.”

Aaron Hopkins (back) and Big Josh Etter from WLAF hosted Bill Thompson (R) of Sleep in Heavenly Peace last week on WLAF Radio.

LAFOLLETTE, TN (WLAF) – Sleep in Heavenly Peace celebrates its fifth anniversary in Campbell County and what better way to celebrate than with a bed build. “Our September build is a part of Bunks Across America, and we’ll celebrate all the way around,” said Bill Thompson, who started the Campbell County Chapter of SHP in December 2018.

Woodson’s Mall hosts tomorrow’s bed build in its parking lot on the Jacksboro side.

WLAF’s Charlie Hutson takes us through the bed building process through his photos HERE.

The event will be held in the Woodson’s Mall parking lot on Saturday, September 9, at 9:30am. “We’re hoping for 50 volunteers, and we will build 40 beds,” said Thompson. Helpers don’t need to bring any tools, and they don’t have to have any experience, just a willingness to help, according to Thompson.

Several volunteers are needed for this step, sanding. This much lumber takes a lot of sanding.

Aside from taking part in the bed build, there are other ways to play a key role in the process, and that’s through donations of bedding. “Anything twin size, new in a package, along with sheet sets, pillows and comforters are needed. Beds in a bag is a very popular item,” said Thompson.

Since 2018, Thompson and the many volunteers have built more than a thousand beds. Connect HERE or call 407.678.2638 for more information. (WLAF NEWS PUBLISHED – 09/08/2023-6AM-PHOTOS COURTESY OF WLAF’S CHARLIE HUTSON)