JACKSBORO, TN (WLAF) – Jacksboro Police Officers rescued a child Wednesday afternoon after it was left alone inside a small pick-up truck.

A youngster was spotted unattended in a vehicle in the heat of the day.  A passerby called 911 after seeing a girl left in a small pick-up truck on the grounds of the Eagle Market.

Just after 1:30, with temperatures in the mid-80s, Jacksboro Police Officers safely removed the little girl from the truck.  She was checked out and deemed OK by first responders with Campbell County EMS.

The girl was in the care of her grandmother, according to JPD.  The grandmother, 55-year old Monica Brown of La Follette, was arrested and is facing multiple charges including child abuse or neglect, child endangerment, possession of meth and marijuana and possession of drug paraphernalia. 

The child was released to its mother. (WLAF NEWS PUBLISHED – 09/06/2023-6PM)