TOP PHOTO: If you need a bottle of water or want to get out of the heat on Saturday, Sheriff Robbie Goins welcomes you by his headquarters.

LAFOLLETTE, TN (PAID AD-SPECIAL TO WLAF) – “We’ll have our headquarters open on Saturday during La Follette’s 125th celebration,” said Sheriff Robbie Goins. The sheriff goes on to say that if anyone wants a bottle of water, a snack or just a place to take a break during the big day to stop by his headquarters.

“I’ll have our shuttle providing a ride for you to and from parking areas to the event,” said Goins. He also extended an invitation to everyone to watch the fireworks show at 10pm from his headquarters parking lot tomorrow night. (WLAF NEWS PUBLISHED – 07/08/2022-6AM-PAID FOR BY SHERIFF ROBBIE GOINS)