TOP PHOTO: Rhonda Longmire (blue shirt) and several others turned out to take part in this bed build event in September 2020 at Woodson Mall-Food City Center.

JACKSBORO, TN (WLAF) – Sleep in Heavenly Peace, an organization that builds beds for children who do not have a bed, holds its first build day of the new year on Saturday at First Baptist Church of Jacksboro.

“You don’t need any tools or any experience; just a desire to help,” said Bill Thompson, president of the local chapter of Sleep in Heavenly Peace. Thompson said the number of beds they’ll build depends on how many people come out to help. Saturday’s goal is to build between 20 and 30 beds.

Bill Thompson (left) stresses that you don’t need any tools or experience; just a desire to help.

The event begins at 10am and runs until noon, 1pm, adds Thompson. For more information, call 407.678.2638 or visit the website

Thompson said “no kid sleeps on the floor in our town.”

A fill the van event for Sleep in Heavenly Peace is today from 11am until 4pm at the United Cumberland Bank parking lot. Donations of new twin size bedding and other accessories are needed. Thompson said they are in desperate need for new pillows, printed twin sheet sets, comforters and the bed in a bag sets. Just look for the big white Sleep in Heavenly Peace van. Related story. (WLAF NEWS PUBLISHED – 03/04/2022-6AM)