‘Dog is Good is a way for them to save for college and even retirement’- Rose Basarich, mother of the teens

Father Erik, Kira and Kaden and mother Rose Basarich of Dog is Good.

LAFOLLETTE, TN (WLAF) – Since January, middle schooler Kira Basarich and her brother Kaden, a high school freshman, have been showcasing their entrepreneurial skills with their new business, Dog is Good. On Saturday, the pair was set up on the sidewalk outside Woodson’s Mall at Food City Center.

Kira Basarich points out one of her best sellers.

“We encouraged them to do something besides playing video games and earn some money for college,” said Rose, their mother. So, the idea to sell dog themed clothing and accessories came about with Dog is Good.

Another one of the top sellers for Dog is Good.

Connect to Kira and Kaden’s website and save $10 on your first order. (WLAF NEWS PUBLISHED – 04/22/2024-6AM)