By Charlotte Underwood 

LAFOLLETTE, TN (WLAF) – We’ve all had that teacher who inspired us or helped in some way. That’s why WLAF and Eagle Tire Pros salute one of our hard working educators with a weekly feature. Teachers make a difference in their students lives each and every day. For many students, having a teacher who cares and goes that extra mile can be the difference in a successful education and graduation.

This week’s featured teacher is Jessica McMahan. She teaches fifth grade English Language Arts and Social Studies at LaFollette Elementary School. She has been an educator for nearly 10 years.

McMahan grew up in Lake City and graduated from Anderson County High School. She received her Bachelor’s degree from East Tennessee State University in 2013.

Jessica McMahan teaches 5th grade at LaFollette Elementary School and is pictured with her boyfriend Kyle Doner and son Riley.

When she’s not teaching, McMahan enjoys spending time with her family and playing trivia with her teacher friends. 

McMahan is the second person in her family to graduate high school and the first to attend college.

“I became a teacher, because I want to show my students that you can do anything you set your mind to,” McMahan said.

To nominate a teacher for teacher of the week honors, please send your nomination to

Her favorite part about teaching is watching her students “grow and become more confident in themselves.”

She also said she enjoys working at LES.

“I am so thankful to work at La Follette Elementary with teachers and staff who are there for the kids,” McMahan said.

Every Thursday, WLAF’s Charlotte Underwood features the WLAF – Eagle Tire Pros teacher of the week. That educator also receives a free oil change from Eagle Tire Pros. To nominate a teacher for teacher of the week honors, please send your nomination to (WLAF NEWS PUBLISHED 1/25/2024-6AM)