By Charlie Hutson

LAFOLLETTE, TN (WLAF) – The photo is of the Winkler’s Pharmacy Grand Opening in 1969.

Winkler’s Pharmacy moved from its original location on the north side of East Central Avenue across the street to the south side into the old Cherokee Theater building; today, part of Wender’s Furniture. Dr. Elbert “Randy” Stinson and his wife Emma owned and operated the business.

The new location was much larger, and it offered sundries, cosmetics, baby supplies and much more. In the back of the building, it featured a large buffet style dining area that saw a lot of business especially when the Lafollette Jr High was just up the street dismissing students for lunch. Winkler’s was part of the Walgreen network back then.

Winkler’s old location, across the street, became the new home for H & K Jewelry, owned by Mary Bowman. (WLAF NEWS PUBLISHED – 12/28/2023-6AM)