“We’re about three times the volume today compared to an average day,” said Richard Burrell.

TOP PHOTO: Ken Kimberlin unloads his blue pick-up truck while attendant Richard Burrell watches.

As ran fell, Ken Kimberlin approaches the compacter.

LAFOLLETTE, TN (WLAF) – There was a line of four vehicles at the Well Springs Convenient Center mid-afternoon Tuesday. That’s not the norm. However, Tuesday was not a normal or average day being the day after Christmas.

Kimberlin has a “trash landing” on the first of two silver, metal cans he emptied.

“We’re about three times the volume today compared to an average day,” said Richard Burrell. Burrell tends to the center that sits next to Old Highway 63 just east of Miller Bridge.

“I hope you don’t mind my hillbilly hat,” said laughed Kimberlin as he was on his every-two-week run to the convenience center.

The compacter was getting a workout as Burrell pushed the compact button one more time after Kimberlin left the yard. The big bin for cardboard was already about half full by 3pm. (WLAF NEWS PUBLISHED – 12/27/2023-6AM)