County planning commission approves  minor lot subdivisions; discusses major lot subdivision 

By Charlotte Underwood 

JACKSBORO, TN (WLAF) – Planning commission members met Monday evening, approving two minor lot subdivisions and discussing a proposed major lot subdivision for Big Creek Estates that would partially be built on the “the old Campbell County landfill” at 779 Landmark Road, Jacksboro. 

TOP PHOTO: J.C. Miller (left) is the Campbell County Planning Commission Chairman, and Jordan Rockwell is the Campbell County Planner.

Developers requested the planning commission send a letter to the Caryville-Jacksboro Utilities Commission at Monday’s meeting asking the utility to “accept the subdivision’s waste water system under its system.”

According to developers, this has been discussed with CJUC, and they “are on board.”

County planning commission members voted in approval of the request to send the letter.

The developers will have to come back before the planning commission in a “couple of months” with a plat for approval.

Planning commission members discussed this subdivision the first time more than a year ago when they met with the environmental engineer representing developers Vince Cyron and Mike Allen to briefly discuss a concept plan for the subdivision which is for 44 lots. The 44 homes that will be built will be “five to nine bedroom houses, primarily for vacation rentals.”

Storage buildings, trailer parking and a road would be built on a former class one type landfill, according to the proposal, but the homes themselves will not be. 

At the meeting a year ago, County Planner Jordan Rockwell had said the Tennessee Department of Environmental  Conservation (TDEC) would have to look at it and “sign off on it.” According to Rockwell, the integrity of the cap on the landfill was the biggest question at the time. 

This was adressed at Monday’s meeting.

“The big thing you wanted was the waste water treatment system state approved and we have that,” Cyran told the planning commission. 

The waste water treatment consists of a drip field. There’s a backup drip field in the plan as well.

Planning Commission Chair J.C. Miller asked if there was city water at the site.

According to developers, city water is 7,500 feet away and “they would be extending that line into the subdivision.”

Planning commission member Rusty Orick asked to confirm that everything has been approved by TDEC.

Developers responded that there is an “environmental plan that will be monitored by TDEC for the development.”

Left to right, the Campbell County Planning Commission members include Rusty Orick, Marie Ayers, Dewayne Gibson and Greg Leach.

At Monday’s meeting, planning commission members were provided with a letter from TDEC’s Division of Solid Waste Management (DSWM) stating that “DSWM recognizes the developer’s intent to maintain the integrity of the landfill cap during development and after occupancy. While this legacy landfill is under no direct DSWM oversight and is not subject to any active landfill regulations, the property owner and future property owners shall take all responsible steps to minimize releases to the environment, and shall carry out such measures as are reasonable to prevent adverse impacts on human health or the environment.”

The letter from DSWM Solid Waste Permits Manager Nick Lytle goes on to ask that “the responsible party for this property facilitate the recording of a deed notation within the next 180 days stating that the parcel in question was used as a disposal site; consistent with Rule 0400-11-01-.04(8)(f) to memorialize the site as having been a permitted landfill.” 

Lytle’s letter requests developers to furnish him with a scanned copy of the recorded deed notation. 

The landfill has been closed since 1982.

County Planner Jordan Rockwell asked “who’s going to own the property where the road is and who is responsible in case anything does happen?”

According to Developers, the Home Owner’s Association would own the road and be responsible for it and that it was stated as such in the deed.

Developers said they would be back in several months with the plat to present to the planning commission. 

In other business the County planning commission approved a minor lot subdivision for Phyllis Byrge on Stony Fork Road and a minor lot subdivision for Samuel Winterbotham on Shawnee Drive. Both were at the recommendation of the County Planner.  (WLAF NEWS PUBLISHED – 12/05/2023-6AM)