CARYVILLE, TN. (WLAF)- A new industry is coming to Caryville. Last night the Caryville Board of Mayor and Aldermen voted to accept an offer on 39 acres of property in the Erschel Collins Industrial Park.

The company will pay $19,000 per acre for the property, for a total price tag of $741,000. The name of the company was not revealed. But starting out it will hire 80 employees and increase their employees in three phases. The company hopes to break ground in approximately 60 days. “This is good for our county and our community,” Alderman Josh Monday told the board.

Monday made the motion to accept the offer with Aldermen Lloyd Lawson seconding the motion, the motion passed.  Alderman Eric Jones and Alderman Patrick Pebley were absent from the meeting and Alderman Vickie Heatherly called into the meeting.