By Charlotte Underwood 

JACKSBORO, TN (WLAF) – We’ve all had that teacher who inspired us or helped in some way. That’s why WLAF and Eagle Tire Pros salute one of our hard working educators with a weekly feature. Teachers make a difference in their students lives each and every day. For many students, having a teacher who cares and goes that extra mile can be the difference in a successful education and graduation.

This week’s featured teacher is Matt Housley. He teaches Algebra 1 and Algebra 2 at Campbell County High School. 

Housley grew up grew up in Troy, Ohio, and moved to Campbell County when he was a sophomore in high school. 

This week’s featured teacher is Matt Housley. He teaches Algebra 1 and Algebra 2 at Campbell County High School. He is pictured with his wife Jessica and their daughters Sadie who is 9, Nora, who is 5, and Azlinn, who is 7.

He attended Bryan College where he received his Bachelor’s Degree in Mathematics Education and obtained his Master’s Degree from Union College in Educational Leadership.

“I’ve been married to my wife, Jessica, for 12 years, and we have 3 daughters. Sadie is 9, Azlinn is 7, and Nora is 5,” Housley said. 

He teaches Algebra 1 and Algebra 2 at Campbell County High School, and this year begins his 15th year teaching at CCHS.

“There wasn’t a specific instance that ever made me realize I wanted to teach. I’ve just always felt like this is what the Lord has always wanted me to do, and CCHS is where I’m supposed to be,” Housley said.

To nominate a teacher for teacher of the week honors, please send your nomination to

His favorite part about teaching is “seeing the kids that haven’t necessarily had much success in math have the “aha” moment where it clicks and their reaction when they out-perform where the state predicts them to be at the end of the year.”

“Another great part of the job I enjoy is the people that I work with. Mr. Ben Foust (principal) does a phenomenal job and has hired great assistant principals who support us. Additionally, our math department has quality teachers who are good at what they do, care about the kids, and make showing up to work every day really enjoyable,” Housley said. 

He also said his wife inspires him every day.

“She is an instructional coach at LaFollette Elementary School. Her work ethic and dedication to the students at her school and the staff at her school are incredible. No one really sees the amount of time that she spends after school hours preparing things, working on schedules for different events or supporting her coworkers. And she does all of that, while being the best role model that our three girls could possibly have,” Housley said.

Every Thursday, WLAF’s Charlotte Underwood features the WLAF – Eagle Tire Pros teacher of the week. That educator also receives a free oil change from Eagle Tire Pros. To nominate a teacher for teacher of the week honors, please send your nomination to (WLAF NEWS PUBLISHED – 08/03/2023-6AM)