TOP PHOTO: You have to be of a certain age to know the history of the Piedmont Hotel/Fleet Oil Building. WLAF’s original studio was housed in the bottom right corner section of the Fleet Building from 1953 until 1963.

LAFOLLETTE, TN (WLAF) – Yesterday afternoon the LaFollette City Council held a public hearing, a meeting and a workshop. The public hearing opened the afternoon to hear public comments on the budget for the new fiscal year which begins Saturday. The second meeting was last month’s regular monthly meeting that was adjourned in session. During this meeting the council voted to pass the 2023-24 budget and Resolution 2023-09 amending the 2022-23 budget.

During the workshop, Bill Claiborne announced that the Piedmont Hotel/Fleet Oil Building would be getting a historical marker. The building marks its 100th year in 2023. HERE is a related story from WLAF’s Charlie Hutson.

Comp time for employees and event permits were also discussed at the workshop. (WLAF NEWS PUBLISHED – 06/27/2023-6AM)