CARYVILLE, TN (WLAF) – The Town of Caryville Police Department has been awarded the Violent Crimes Grant. The grant is for $71,867. Chief of Police Freddie Stagnolia reported to the Board of Mayor and Aldermen Monday night at the regular monthly meeting that the funds would be used for training, tasers, a crime scene trailer and the equipment for the trailer.

Luke Andrews with AT&T Mobility was present to discuss cell phones with hot spots for the police department. Currently, the police department has three cellphones and six hot spots that can only be used for data. Andrews told the board that they could have eight cellphones with hot spots and save approximately $147 per month. The board had questions about the proposal and decided to table the conversation until the July meeting when Andrews could come back with his supervisor to answer the questions.

The town has two open positions. The board approved advertising for a police officer and full-time fireman.

The board approved Joey Gilbert as the new Assistant Fire Chief and Eddie Hatmaker as reoccurring Fire Chief. (WLAF NEWS PUBLISHED – 06/13/2023-6AM)