LAFOLLETTE, TN (SPECIAL TO WLAF) – Today is the annual TCAT-Roane State Day for 8th graders at La Follette Middle School and Jacksboro Middle School. “Prior to COVID, we did this trip every year, and we are happy to be able to resume this field trip once again,” said Linda Prim, LMS School Counselor.

President Debbie Petree and her staff and students at TCAT present to 8th grade students throughout the day in 40 minute sessions. They learn all about TCAT and their programs.  Director Tracy Powers does the same at Roane State with 40-minute sessions.  The third session is also at Roane State where a local law enforcement official and a local attorney will share information about their careers.

“We take three buses and just rotate among the sessions (two at Roane State and one at TCAT) with LMS in the morning beginning at 8:45 a.m. and JMS begins at noon,” said Prim. The Campbell County Board of Education provides the transportation.

“Many people have invested in our students, and it is a great opportunity for students to learn what is literally in our back door,” said Prim. Students can begin both TCAT and Roane State as 11th graders and earn dual credit.  Today will provide information to them so they can make plans for their future. (WLAF NEWS PUBLISHED – 05/11/2022-6AM)