A huge part of the job is getting the layout right making sure each letter is spaced just right inside the blue end zone.

JACKSBORO, TN (WLAF) – The placing of the new turf at Campbell High began on Friday, July 9, and WLAF’s Charlie Hutson shares a progress update through his photos.

This is an all hands on deck portion (end zone lettering) of the process as temperatures and humidity have an
effect on the glue and dictates how much time you have to get things right, but this crew makes it look easy.

Next is the cutting out and making sure it’s a good fit. Notice the strings and lines pulled to make the squares to set the letters inside.
With the glue board backing (white) in place, the crew starts to work the letter in place.
Final adjustments with a little tug and pull or a little trim here or there are being done.
The final step is to roll it down making sure it has good contact for a solid joint. This look is the east end zone.