Camelot, an organization in Campbell County, wants to see children find their forever families.

JACKSBORO, TN. (WLAF) -A family. It is what every child needs and deserves.

Unfortunately, it is also something some children never get. Each year thousands of children are placed in foster care because the family they were born into is unable to care for them.

Camelot, an organization in Campbell County, wants to see those children find their forever families.

Camelot is also recognizing May as National Foster Care Month.

Child development experts agree that having a permanent home and family is key for a child to grow into a healthy and productive adult. When a child grows up in an environment with an adult who is committed to their long-term well-being and on whom they can depend, the child is simply in a better position to thrive.

Unfortunately, too many foster children lack this basic and stable environment to begin their lives and enter the foster care system because of parental abuse, neglect or abandonment. Removing a child from their home can be devastating and confusing for a child of any age, but the more a foster care child is moved within the system, the greater the chance that the child will lose contact with siblings, other family members, and other friends and adults who have been important in their lives—including neighbors, coaches and religious leaders.

That is where becoming a therapeutic foster parent through Camelot begins to make the difference.

Once a placement is made Camelot Foster Parents are provided in home support that is tailored around the needs of the child and the home. This support is designed to assist in decreasing the distress foster children experience. Classes begin soon and are being offered online.

For more information about Camelot and Camelot Foster Parenting call 865-272-0013 or visit HERE. (WLAF NEWS PUBLISHED – 05/10/2021- 6AM)