Members of the LA Cruizers have done it again. They’ve made Christmas for local youngsters a lot brighter.   In fact, this year, they’ve touched the lives of 72 children that are clients of the Campbell County Children’s Center.  SEE photos here.

Tracie Davis, director of the children’s center, expressed great appreciation to the LA Cruizers for their continued support.  Davis said, “This year, they sponsored a record breaking number totaling 72 children for Christmas. The club’s hard work and dedication will ensure our children have a wonderful Christmas.”

TOP PHOTO:  Members of the LA Cruizers surround a table full of gifts for this year’s 72 recipients.

Cruizers’ Club President Tom Hatmaker calls it a labor of love for he and the other Cruizers in now the 12th Christmas of making Christmas for little ones.  The LA Cruizers begin working on this project in October each year, and this year, $10,800 were invested in the toys, shoes, clothes and more for the children.

The LA Cruizers is annually making a big difference in Campbell County through several activities.  It actively supports the Campbell County Children’s’ Center, the Campbell County Honor Guard and the Campbell County Cancer Association.  (WLAF NEWS PUBLISHED – 12/20/2018-6AM-PHOTOS COURTESY OF THE LA CRUIZERS)